Clothiers Creek’ s Little Gem – the perfect lunch box sized fruit

Little Gem Bananas

The saying – good things come in small packages –  can certainly be applied to the unique Little Gem banana.

Local grower Tim Johnson invented a world first banana – the Little Gem  – and Rob Johnson, a popular stallholder at the Murwilumbah Farmers’ Market enjoys telling his customers their story. The Little Gem grown throughout the year is the result of a secret and spontaneous transformation only known on to its inventor.


When Gardening Australia’s Costa Geogiardis visited the Johnson farm at Clothiers Creek last September he was very impressed with the Litte Gem’s flavour and size –  a perfect lunch box sized banana that, true to its name,  is a small sweet treat. As it does not go brown when peeled it is also perfect for fruit salads..

This particular banana has proven to be less susceptible to disease and provides a high yield per acre due to its ability to be planted more closely together than most.  With 8000 Little Gem bananas coming into to production this year you will always find it at the Clothiers Creek Produce stall at the market.

A banana gives a sustained and substantial boost of energy – that’s why they are a favourite choice for cyclists, footballers and other athletes looking for a quick source of carbohydrate. The riper a banana, the quicker it is digested and converted to muscle fuel. Athletes love to eat bananas before sport, at breaks during a tennis game, and to recover quickly from sport.

Bananas are an all time favourite tropical fruit for their delicious flavor. and the bonus is that they are rich in fibre, potassium, vitamins A, B6 and C.  Enjoy a Little Gem soon.


Star fruit



Clothiers Creek Produce  stall will have star fruit tomorrow so check out this amazing tropical fruit. Star fruit has a sweet, slightly tangy flavor. Some compare it to a blend of papaya, orange, and grapefruit, while others find it comparable to a mix of pineapple and lemon. The fruit can be sliced and enjoyed on its own, but it can also be added to other dishes and drinks.  Toss it into a fruit salad with banana, strawberry, kiwi, mango, pineapple, paw paw, grapes, and citrus fruits. For a tropical twist garnish the fruit salad with a sprinkling of shredded coconut.

It is also wonderful as an exotic garnish.

Ripe star fruit is firm and has vibrant yellow skin. The more yellow the skin is, the sweeter the fruit will be. A yellow star fruit with a bit of brown along the edges is ideal.

A star fruit has approximately 30 calories. It is also a worthwhile source of fiber, vitamin C, carbohydrates, and water.