STRAWBERRIES are ripening quickly now so Sarah Montgomerry from Monty’s Strawberries assured me when we chatted last Wednesday, that there will be plenty this week. The weather has certainly been favourable for successful ripening and harvesting so strawberry season is officially on! A couple of weeks earlier than I forecast last week.
Cathryn Binstead from Platypus Point Farm stall has beautiful bunches of leucospermums and leucadenrons this week. The photo at the top of this blog shows just a few of the lucopsermums growing on her farm. Cathryn is taking a break from making delicious conserves (her three fruit marmalade is addictive) to concentrate on harvesting these delightful bright red flowers and creating bunches that are complemented with greenery from her farm.
PEAS – shelling peas and snow peas are in full season at Jumping Red Ant Farm stall and also at Everest Farm and some of the organic farm stalls too. Why not include lightly steamed sliced snow peas for a pleasant change this week and pop a few in school lunch boxes for a healthy snack.