Happy New Year 🍹

After preparing beautiful and nourishing food for Christmas as a way of expressing our love for family and friends I hope you have had the opportunity to take a moment or two to relax.

As 2020 winds down and 2021 approaches, for many, it can be a time for reflection. The New Year symbolises the ending of one year and a time when new beginnings can happen. So here is a thought – how would it be if we all collectively – world-wide – decided to be happy, positive, and encouraging to others regardless of what we are confronting now and into the future?
Just imagine that!

 Maybe we simply embrace the New Year with a positive outlook and a determined spirit. And … now I will take off my rose-coloured glasses and wish you all a very

 Happy New Year

Laugh often friends tho’ passing years bring, sometimes smiles and sometimes, tears, for mirth forever warms and cheers.
By John McLeod

Blueberry Fields in netted area

What’s News at the Market this Week?

Although Tallogum Berries season has ended we are fortunate that NEXT Wednesday we welcome back Blueberry Fields. Blueberry Fields – a regular at our market for many years will be bringing raspberries, blackberries AND blueberries.
So we can anticipate their return next week here is a snippet about them:

Otto, Lynette and their son Jascha own and manage their orchard that is located just 20 minutes from Byron. Both Lynette and Otto’s  adult daughters now provide the scientific and marketing support for this family business that has been growing blueberries for 30 years. In recent years they have focussed on cultivating organically rich soil that now serves them well. BUT more about this farm and family NEXT week.

In the meantime – some of our stallholders have decided to take this week off however MOST will be at the market this Wednesday especially the farm stalls. Their produce just keeps on growing and must continue to be harvested so  – if like me – you have run out of fresh fruit and vegies –  then it is the perfect time to stock up whilst enjoying beautiful music and maybe a cuppa and bite to eat with friends. 

What’s GREAT at the Market this Week?

So much is still great at the market including watermelons, rock melons, paw paw and bananas. These make a delicious combination whether for a fruit salad mix or simply for fruit juices and smoothies.
 Cucumbers galore can be found at most of our farm stalls. They are so crisp and delicious right now. I love cold soups at this time of year and one of my all time favourites is chilled cucumber, yoghurt and tarragon soup – possibly mentioned in an earlier post but here it is again in case you are inspired to try it this time. 

Make New Year’s Eve catering so easy by throwing cobs of corn on the barbecue still wrapped in their husk.  As they cool peel off the charred husk, add a chunk of butter,  freshly ground  salt and pepper and hey presto – you have a lovely addition to any meal