Diversity – what does it mean to you?
Walking along the beach during the weekend I paused to really look about – as I often do and observed the vast changes in sand patterns formed by the waves. It was a very, very, high tide and there had been weather warnings about large waves – so maybe the sand patterns on this particular occasion reflected the tidal variations but fascinatingly – the patterns also varied at different locations along the beach.
Many of the rocks that had been exposed in recent months were once again completely covered – hidden from sight as though they simply didn’t exist.
I pondered on the huge diversity that our natural environment offers us. Not only is it changing all the time, it is presenting us with new and varied experiences each time we venture out – if we take the time to really look. The clouds, the way the light reflects off a leaf, the seasonal changes in the bark on some eucalypts and the paths and patterns made by insects.
My pondering lingered on the word “diversity” and being a lover of delicious healthy food my mind wandered to the huge diversity of fresh food that we are fortunate to have available, seasonally, in our local area.
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